Cheltenham Volunteer talks to local WI

Our Cheltenham Chair Jacky Robertson, recently visited another local WI meeting to talk about her experiences of having breast reconstruction and to highlight the work Keeping Abreast does. Oxstalls WI in Gloucester, listened to Jacky highlight a bit about her background, diagnosis and the journey she has been on since that time, both personally and…

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First Meeting of 2019 a Success

A message from the Chair ” Thank you to all the ladies who came along to our most recent support group. Despite the difficulties it was great to see 18 of you (4 of which that were new) and we hope that the impromptu Q&A session was useful to you and hope to see you…

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Cheltenham Group looking good and feeling better!

Our south west groups have had a busy couple of months so our Cheltenham group hosted a pamper evening as an end of year treat to their members.  Representatives from Look Good Feel Better offered advice on make up and a local nail technician gave guests a complimentary nail polish.

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Cheltenham Group Enjoy a Pamper!

Our Cheltenham group had a well deserved pamper morning as part of their last support group of 2018.  They welcomed guests; Jane from the charity ‘Look Good, Feel Better’ who offered advice and demonstrations on make up and also Amy from Forget me Nails who offered treatments to all that attended. There was also an…

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Cheltenham group working together with other organisations

Jacky, from out Cheltenham group attended the Macmillan Share,Learn,Meet conference which was brilliant for networking  in the local area of Cheltenham & Gloucester.  There were businesses & Support groups & the ideas on how can we reach a wider public, share information & help each other.  What a great day! #collaboration

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Cheltenham Group talks at local WI group

Jacky from Keeping Abreast Cheltenham spoke at her local WI meeting in Coaley.  Thanks to Jacky for speaking about her journey and answering all the questions and thank to all those from the WI who attended.  Thank you so much to all those who gave a donation to the charity too.

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Pink Pen Pots at Cheltenham

Cheltenham Group find another use for the Keeping Abreast penny pots!  If you want to have a penny or pen pot please contact us!  Either pop in your odd change in to an empty pot or take out a pen and pop in a pound! Thanks to all those supporting the Cheltenham group with penny…

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A great success at BRA Day at Southmead Hospital

The event, believed to be the first held in the UK, was based on an initiative by Canadian plastic surgeon Mitchell Brown MD in 2011 to promote education, awareness and access for people considering post-mastectomy breast reconstruction. The BRA Day, held at The Holiday Inn in Filton, was open to anybody who wanted to find…

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We have even hit the Daily Mail on Line!

Well done Tina, Ros & Sue… Wow the word is spreading… Keeping Abreast, Julia Holland (our photographer) & Keeping Abreast South West – Breast Reconstruction Support Group

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