Pink Packs and Comfort & Care Bags

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Keeping Abreast provides support in many different ways for those considering, facing and going through breast reconstruction. Besides face-to-face emotional support and assistance by telephone, email and WhatsApp, the charity also provides Pink Packs and Comfort & Care Bags to local hospitals and cancer centres which are passed on to their breast reconstruction patients.


The Pink Packs contain information about the charity, a handy KA notebook and pen and some decaffeinated tea and coffee sachets so that patients can treat themselves to a cuppa when they get home, while finding out more. Often the packs are also used to carry additional information from the Breast Care Nurses and Plastic Surgeons which the patients may also find useful.

We have received numerous positive testimonials from both patients and medical staff about these packs. Please find a few examples below:-

“The Pink Packs are a brilliant idea, not just for the notebook and pen, but also for the leaflets we give out to patients; it is a way of keeping them safe and in one place. I do think the contents are just right and the right size for them to bring to appointments with them if they want to. Again, thanks so much for this.” Karen Little, CNS Breast Reconstruction, Breast Unit, Linda McCartney Centre, Royal Liverpool Hospital.

“Thank you so much for the Pink Packs. We have so many patients coming through… Really great work. Thank you for all your hard work supporting our patients.” Britta Andersen, Sister, Plastic Surgery Outpatients Department, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital.

"Thank you for the very generous donation of Pink Packs we have received today. The contents look great and I'm sure will really benefit patients. I think patients will be extremely happy to receive this prior to their surgery.”
Laura Rolfe, East & North Herts NHS Trust.

These information packs are delivered to hospitals and cancer centres around the country where there are Keeping Abreast Support Groups and where the charity has built up a relationship with the hospital or cancer centre concerned.

So far the recipients include:

  • Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
  • Spire Norwich Hospital
  • James Paget University Hospital, Gorleston-on-Sea
  • Leicester Royal Infirmary
  • Royal Liverpool University Hospital
  • QE2 Hospital, Welwyn Garden City
  • Southmead Hospital, Bristol
  • Maggie’s Cheltenham
  • Lister Hospital, Stevenage
  • Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield
  • Pinderfields Hospital, Wakefield
  • Morriston Hospital, Swansea
  • Salisbury District Hospital
  • Royal Bournemouth Hospital
  • Nuffield Health at St. Barts

Keeping Abreast is always keen to hear about any other hospitals or cancer centres that would like to receive these information packs – please get in touch at: or on 01603 819113.


The Keeping Abreast Comfort & Care Bags are produced to help breast reconstruction patients both pre- and post-surgery. Selected based on feedback from previous patients and the things that have helped them, the contents typically include:

  • One4All £25 voucher, specifically to buy a new bra
  • Heart-shaped cushion
  • Drain bag
  • Anti-bac wipes
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Vaseline
  • Slippers socks donated by Totes
  • Eye mask donated by British Airways
  • KA leaflet
  • Herbal tea bag & feedback letter

The bags are distributed to local hospitals and cancer centres as well as sent out to individuals who contact KA HQ and who don’t have a KA Support Group in their area. The charity has received numerous positive comments about the bags, with a few examples as follows:-

“Just wanted to say a massive thank you for my Comfort & Care Bag… it is amazing! Thank you so much, so incredibly thoughtful and generous of you and the Keeping Abreast team. I don’t doubt it will come in great use pre- and post-surgery. Thank you.” – Patient.

“I had a heart cushion in my ‘Comfort and Care Bag’ which was so useful, thank you, along with my pretty drain bag to carry my drain around in. I nearly cried when I got my pack, because of how others care and help people. Thank you!” – Patient.


“Dear All, I can’t thank you enough for the lovely care bag and voucher. I’m going into Southmead Hospital Bristol  on the 12th August for a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction so all the fabulous gifts will come in very handy. Many, many thanks.” – Patient.


If you would like to know more about the KA Comfort & Care Bags, know someone who would like to receive one or perhaps could provide some items to go into the bags, please get in touch. You can reach KA HQ on 01603 819113 and at:

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We run our own events to raise funds. Head over to our News and Events section to see what is coming up!

Thank you to the businesses that support us!

Get In Touch

  01603 819113

Keeping Abreast, Oak Lodge
Business Centre
129 School Lane,
Little Melton,
Norwich NR9 3LB

About Us

Keeping Abreast was established in September 2007 by patients Anna Beckingham and Beverley Birritteri and Breast Reconstruction nurse specialist Ruth Harcourt. They recognised a great need for women, both newly diagnosed with breast cancer and facing the possibility of mastectomy, and also women further down the line who are also considering reconstructive surgery, to be able to meet and talk to other women who have been through similar experiences. This allows women make an informed choice about whether or not to proceed with breast reconstruction.

© 2025 © Keeping Abreast Breast Cancer Reconstruction Support Group, registered charity number: 1129522. Registered office: M&A Partners, 7 The Close, Norwich, NR1 4DJ